SBAS El Tecolote Archive: Now On Line


For 54 years, Santa Barbara Audubon has been active in the greater Santa Barbara County community. During that time the El Tecolote newsletter has been published regularly. SBAS is pleased to announce that the entire archive of the El Tecolote newsletters in now available on this website for our reader’s pleasure and to preserve our history.

This archive was created mostly from printed copies that have been maintained in the SBAS office for over 50 years. Since October 2005 copies have been maintained as original pdf documents. There may be missing issues or an occasional error in the scanning of the issues. If you find one, please let the webmaster know. If you are in possession of an issue of the newsletter which is not in this archive, again, let the webmaster know so that it can be included in this archive.

To access the archive go to the News menu and click on the El Tecolote Archive item as shown below.

