News & Media

To keep up with the latest in local bird sightings, visit the SBAS supported SB Co Birding website and the associated SBCo Birding ListServ.

It was 50 Years Ago Today … 🐦


Earth Day’s 50th Anniversary In celebration, we are sharing a walk down SBAS Memory Lane.  Hatched as a Bird Study Group at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, SBAS has advocated for the study and protection of birds and their habitat since 1963. In our February 1969 El Tecolote (ET), SBAS leadership urged our… Read more »

A Letter From Our President

feild and floers

  Dear Santa Barbara Audubon Community, Our Board, Executive Director, and I send our good wishes.  As we welcome the Hooded Orioles and check each morning to see if the White-crowned Sparrows are still here, I hope you are cheered by the warmth and wonder of spring. You won’t be surprised that our regular gatherings… Read more »

Times are uncertain… but please submit avian breeding activity

bird collage

Santa Barbara Audubon Society, in accordance with direction from local, national and international public health authorities regarding slowing the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), regretfully has had to take the following actions: April & May field trips and Friday bird walks are canceled March program is canceled May program is currently still scheduled As… Read more »

2020 Great Backyard Bird Count has Bumper Year

by Jayne Wamsley, Education Co-Chair   The 23rd Great Backyard Bird Count ran from February 14-17th this year and set new records in all categories. Participants jumped by 43,893 with 249,444 checklists submitted. The species count was 6,942 worldwide with 661 species documented in the United States. The top 10 species for Canada and the… Read more »

Ken Rosenberg lecture written up in Montecito Journal

Blue-banded Toucanet

Check out Joanne Calitri’s article on page 30 of the March 2020 issue of the Montecito Journal! It’s about Ken Rosenberg’s “Three Billion Birds Lost..” lecture, co-presented by the S.B. Museum of Natural History, UCSB Arts & Lectures Thematic Learning Initiative, and Santa Barbara Audubon Society! Thank you, Joanne and MJ! Here is a link… Read more »