Sand Point road is in a private gated community. Once a year SBAS is given permission to have a bird walk along the length of this otherwise inaccessible road to view the Carpinteria Salt Marsh from the southern side of the marsh. Don’t miss out, reservations are required for the limited 20 spots.
Please note that we may need to cancel event if pandemic conditions worsen. For everyone’s safety, we ask that::
– All participants be vaccinated, bring a mask to the event, and practice social distancing as much as possible.
– Masks be worn in carpool situations.
– If you are sick, or feel unwell, please do not attend.
– Prior to attending a trip, visit SantaBarbaraAudubon.org/activities/ for detailed directions and event updates.
Reservations Required!
This trip is limited to 20 members of Santa Barbara Audubon Society, so if you are interested please Contact Peter Thompson. ASAP. Leave your name and phone number or email address and Peter will confirm your reservation.
Target Birds:
- Long-bill Curlew
- Great Egret
- Snowy Egret
- Osprey
- White-tailed Kite
- Sandpipers
- and waterfowl
Trip Leaders:
Peggy Kearns and Jeff Hanson
Please meet us here at 8:00 a.m. sharp!
- Take the Santa Claus Lane exit off Hwy 101
- Follow Santa Claus Lane to the southeast end
- Parking is available in the business area just before Santa Claus Lane enters Hwy 101 south
- We will meet near the Sand Point Road entrance and proceed from there on foot.
Map Here
Other Information:
Wear comfortable shoes and hat
Bring water and snack
Binoculars a must
Spotting Scopes very useful
Trip Coordinator: Peter Thompson
Contact Peter for information or questions