Hollister ranch is covers several miles of coast land above Gaviota State Park. The Hollister Ranch Homeowners Association and always be supportive of having Audubon field trips to their location. If you have not been, you should make an effort to attend a trip there. There are only 20 persons allowed per trip so stay tuned in to get a reservation!
This trip is Full. No new reservatopms are being accepted.
Note: this trip is for MEMBERS ONLY
Email Rob Lindsay (email hidden; JavaScript is required) to get on waiting list.
Include your name, email address and phone number.
We will do everything we can for a safe experience, but COVID is always a risk. Additionally, SBAS may decide to cancel events should pandemic conditions warrant it. For these reasons, we ask that:
– All attendees be vaccinated, each participant bring a mask to the event, and social distancing be practiced to the greatest extent practicable.
– Masks be worn in car pool situations.
– Prior to attending any bird walk or field trip, please go to santabarbaraaudubon.org/activities for directions and event updates.
Target Birds
- Song Birds
- Ocean and pond waterfowl
- Raptors
- Perhaps an Owl or two
Reservations Are Mandatory!
Reservations are required due to the 5 car and 20 person limit we are allowed to take on the property. Please let Rob know if you are willing to drive your vehicle and how many people it can hold. Rob Will confirm your reservation by e-mail. Include your name, email address and phone number
Trip Leader: Guy Tingos
Directions To the Hollister Ranch car pool location:
- North or south, drive Hwy 101 towards Gaviota.
- Exit Hwy 101 at the Gaviota State Beach exit.
- As you approach the State Beach entrance, keep on the road that forks to the right and goes uphill.
- At the top of the hill on the right is a large parking area
- We will meet here and organize the car pooling
Other Information
- Bring water, snack or lunch
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a hats
- Binoculars a must, spotting scopes are useful
Trip Coordinator
Rob Lindsay
Contact Rob for questions or additional information
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