Santa Barbara Audubon Society is pleased to announce a return to NBVC Mugu. This unique opportunity allows us to visit some 2,000 acres bordered by the Pacific Ocean and some of the most bountiful agricultural land in the Central Coast. Marsh, coastal wetlands, riparian and grasslands provide a stopover for thousands of migrating birds each year. This includes habitat for several endangered species of birds. The area is so rich in wildlife that our half-day there typically counts 80 species including waders, rails, songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and more.
We are asking that participants be members of Santa Barbara Audubon Society, or the Goleta Coast Audubon Society. If you are not a member, go to the Santa Barbara Audubon website and click on the “Join Today” tab in the upper right of the main page. Priority will be given to members that have not yet visited Point Mugu. 14 spaces are open, and will be taken upon receipt of the completed Navy form.
Friday, November 22, 2024 ~ 7:45 am – 12:00 pm
To Sign Up:
This field trip takes us to an active Navy Base. The Navy reserves the right to cancel this event. All participants must be US citizens and are required to fill out an Access Pass Registration Form.
This form requires submitting personal information 30 days before the event. You must be approved before entering the base.
Sorry, NO CAMERAS allowed on base.
You must arrange your own transportation to Pt. Mugu. It takes more than an hour to drive to the base from S.B. Please be sure to arrive no later than 7:45 am, as we will be led onto the base as a single group. Those who arrive after our group has left will not be admitted.
First, Download These Instructions (THIS IS IMPORTANT TO DO!)
Download this Access Pass Registration Form
Read over the 3 page Navy Access Pass Registration Form with instructions and special instructions. This is to ensure you will qualify and are comfortable with filling out the form. The Form can then be filled out electronically or printed and filled out by hand. Paper or scanned forms in PDF format are acceptable. Once completed, they can be sent to Jeff Hanson at email hidden; JavaScript is required.
The opening date to receive completed forms is September 22nd. Closing day is October 22nd. Please send the forms to Jeff Hanson at email hidden; JavaScript is required. You can also address any questions or problems to Jeff, or leave a voicemail at (805) 964-8854.
Trip Leaders:
Jeff Hanson, Peggy Kearns, and base biologist, Martin Ruane.
Expect local experts to join us on this rare and exceptional day.
Target Birds:
80+ species are typical for this trip
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
- Vermilion Flycatcher
- water fowl
- rails
- egrets
- shorebirds
- ducks
- raptors
- and more
Parking lot is at the top of N. Mugu Road, Port Hueneme, Ca 93041
- From Hwy 101 take exit 60 Rice Ave / Santa Clara Ave
- Head towards the Ocean, away from the mountains.
- Rice Ave becomes Hwy 1
- Follow Rice Ave for 3.75 miles
- Merge left onto Hwy 1 south Santa Monica
- Exit Hwy 1 at Wood Rd / USN Pt Mugu
- Turn left at the stop sign onto Naval Air Road
- Turn right at the stop sign onto N. Mugu Road
- Meet at the Gate 2 (formerly Main Gait) parking lot immediately to your right
Other Information:
- Bring Photo ID
- Dress in layers
- Bring water, snack or lunch
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a hat
- Binoculars a must, spotting scopes are useful
Trip Coordinator:
Jeff Hanson
Contact Jeff for reservations, information or questions
Sponsored by Santa Barbara Audubon Society
Santa Barbara Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization