Target Birds
- Fresh water birds
- Salt water birds
- Northern Harrier
- Wren
- etc.
Trip Leader: Jack Sanford
$8.00 to car pool drivers + $5 entrance fee per car or park outside the entrance.
We will car pool from our Sears car pool location at the NE corner of the upper parking lot. We will meet at 7:00am and car pool to the Oso Flaco Lake parking area.
If you would like meet us at the lake at 9:00 am:
- Take Hwy 101 to Hwy 166 (Main street exit in Santa Maria)
- Head west towards the town of Guadalupe
- Turn right at the Hwy 1 intersection and go thru the town of Guadalupe
- Travel 3 miles to the Oso Flaco Road
- Turn left on Oso Flaco Road and proceed 3 miles to the parking lot
Other Information
- Dress in layers
- Bring water, snack or lunch
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a hats
- Binoculars a must, spotting scopes are very useful
Trip Coordinator
Jack Sanford
Sponsored By Santa Barbara Audubon Society
photo courtesy The Dunes Center