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Presented by Nora Livingston
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Eared Grebes populate western saline lakes like Mono Lake and the Salton Sea by the millions during their southward migration, but these lakes are in danger due to excessive water diversions and climate change. Learn about the magnificent Eared Grebe and the lakes that it depends on with presenter Nora Livingston.
Nora Livingston is the Mono Lake Committee’s Lead Naturalist Guide. She gives presentations around the state about Mono Lake and birds, and leads custom guided trips at Mono Lake for birders and nature-enthusiasts.
After attending Midland School in Los Olivos, Nora graduated with a degree in Environmental Studies from Warren Wilson College. She interned with Point Rayes Bird Observatory (now Point Blue Conservation Science) working at the bird banding station in Bolinas, the Farallon Islands and Mono Lake. She also spent several seasons interning on Santa Cruz island working with the Island Scrub-Jay.
Our monthly programs continue to be presented virtually. As each date approaches, look for an email—or on our website or social media—for a connection link. We hope to see you there! Are you new to Zoom? Please don’t let that deter you from joining us. Programs chair Teresa Fanucchi can help you get started. Call or email her: Hidden; email hidden; JavaScript is required.