The Carrizo Plain is one of the last remaining arid grasslands in California. The area is threatened not only by natural resource developers but also by hundreds of well meaning wildflower lovers who can have a detrimental impact to the region. Join us as Chuck Graham shares some of his 15 years of photographs and observations of the unique area right in our own backyard.
Due to the continuing COVID-19 health concerns this program will be presented via Zoom. See specific information below.
Program Description
In 2006, during Chuck Graham’s first trip to the Carrizo Plain National Monument, the landscape of “California’s Serengeti” captured his imagination. However, he didn’t envision he would self-publish a photo book of these stunning grasslands 15 years later. He now has a collection of images from the last of California’s grasslands, time spent in the field chasing light, patiently waiting for wildlife to emerge and anticipating the next Super Bloom. The publication of “Carrizo Plain-Where the Mountains Meet the Grasslands” coincided with the 20-year anniversary of the National Monument in January 2021.
Presented by Chuck Graham
Chuck Graham is a freelance writer and photographer who has spent the last 15 years photographing the last of California’s semi-arid grasslands- the Carrizo Plain National Monument. His devotion to this unique grassland biome culminated into his first book, Carrizo Plain, Where The Mountains Meet The Grasslands in November 2020. His work has also appeared in National Geographic for Kids, National Geographic Books, Natural History, American Forests, BBC Wildlife Magazine, Canoe & Kayak, Backpacker and the Washington Post.
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