Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Join us this November as Estelle Sandhaus, Ph.D., of the Santa Barbara Zoo, speaks about condor conservation and the Santa Barbara Zoo. Doors open at 7:00 pm.
Since 2002, when Santa Barbara Zoo became an official member of the California Condor Recovery Program, it has been an active collaborator with the program, providing support for condor reintroduction efforts. The Zoo’s maintenance team traveled to Baja California to help build condor release facilities with Mexican condor partners. Zoo staff have also worked onsite with the Ventana Wildlife Society in Big Sur. The Zoo recently received Ventana’s Lapanski Award for, among other projects, building a consolidated rearing pen for young condors awaiting release into the wild.
Santa Barbara Zoo is one of only four zoos in the world to display endangered California Condor.
Dr. Estelle Sandhaus is Director of Conservation and Research at the Santa Barbara Zoo. She leads the Zoo’s conservation research activities both in the field and at the Zoo. She helped develop the protocol and trained volunteers and staff for a “nest watching” program now in its third season. Dr. Sandhaus is recruiting condor nest watchers to start in the early spring.
Photo via Jenny Slaughter and http://www.aspeneg.co