121st CBC in Montecito Journal

Volume 27 Issue 6 of the Montecito Journal (4-11 February 2021) has a write-up of the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count (CBC) starting on page 50! 

The end of the article talks about ways to get involved. Item 4 is about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that has been under attack by the federal government. 

The latest news (as of February 5, 2021) is that the current administration has asked Dept. of Interior officials to delay the rule that was set to go into effect on February 8th!

You can stay informed at the National Audubon site: https://www.audubon.org/news/rollback-migratory-bird-protections-delayed-new-administration.

National Audubon’s original information page from January 30th can be found here: https://www.audubon.org/news/federal-government-moves-gut-americas-most-important-bird-law.