Welcome to Our New Executive Director: Katherine Emery


Following an extensive search, Santa Barbara Audubon Society is very pleased to introduce to our members and the public our new Executive Director, Katherine Emery. Katherine is originally from New York and obtained her B.S. in Biology and Society from Cornell University. She traveled west to pursue graduate work at UCSB. Both her M.S. and Ph.D. are in Marine Science with an emphasis in hydrocarbon seeps and environmental science literacy. As a Fulbright Scholar, Katherine had the opportunity to explore ecology, conservation, and fishery issues in Italy.

Katherine comes to us with a breadth of experience in teaching, research, and education. Beyond her academic and professional background, Katherine brings unbridled enthusiasm, a vibrant spirit, a clear sense of purpose, and an authentic commitment to SBAS’s mission to “. . . connect people with birds and nature through education, science-based projects, and advocacy.”

Katherine shared with us her early passion for nature which has evolved into a lifelong calling culminating in what she describes as the realization of her “. . . dream to lead science conservation in our community” as our Executive Director. Katherine has a deep and abiding love of nature and nature’s creatures, notably birds.

SBAS warmly welcomes Katherine to our flock and knows that she will energetically and competently carry on the tradition of excellence paved by our first Executive Director.