Recordings Of Past Programs

Chasing a Desert Apparition: LeConte’s Thrasher

Our February 22, 2023 program featured Jay Sheppard presenting his data and stories of his graduate studies of the elusive LeConte’s Thrasher. His  main area of study was in our near back yard of Maricopa, CA

Hummingbirds, Shorebirds, And Wildlife Photography

The recording of our May 25, 2022 program presented by Jayden Washington Samuels focuses on this high school senior’s experiences photographing birds in the Los Angeles area.

District Ranger Daryl Hodges speaks on Los Padres Nation Forest District Projects

The recording of our April 27th program – on going projects by in the Los Padres National Forest Santa Barbara District. Also presentation by this year’s Joy Parkinson award winner.

Ornitherapy: For Your Mind, Body, and Soul

The recording of our March 23, 2022 program presented by Holly Merker on why getting your daily dose of Ornitherapy may be just what the doctor ordered.

Offshore Wind Along the Central Coast

The recording of our February 23, 2002 program presented by Kristen Hislop describing issues surrounding offshore wind energy

Conservation and Drought in the Central Valley Challenges and Opportunity

The recording of our January 26, 2022 program presented by Xerónimo Castañeda on his wetland projects in the central; valley of California and with the Tricolored Blackbird.

The Carpinteria Snowy Plovers:
A First Successful Nesting in 60 Years

This talk shares the story of the successful nesting by snowy plovers in Carpinteria in 2021, including photos and videos of the birds and a discussion of the human efforts that helped them succeed.

A Visual Journey through
Carrizo Plain National Monument

The recording of our October 27, 2021 program presented by Chuck Graham on his photographic adventures in the Carrizo Plain National Monument.

Goleta Coast Audubon Society
a new Student Chapter of the Audubon Society at UCSB

The recording of our September 21, 2021 program presented by Conor McMahon, a graduate student in the Geography Dept at UCSB. Visit them at

Saline Lakes in the West:
Eared Grebe Migration & the Lakes They Depend on

The recording of our May 26, 2021 program presented by Nora Livingston of the Mono Lake Committee.
Be sure to check out Nora’s blog Wings Above The World 

The Breeding Bird Study of Santa Barbara County - Five Years on, What Have We Learned?

The recording of our March 24, 2021 program presented by Adrian O’Loghlen and Mark Holmgren

California's Marine Nurseries

The recording of our February 24, 2021 program presented by Andrea Jones of Audubon California.

Birding Colombia

The recording of our January 27, 2021 program presented by Santiago M. Escruceria, a Colombian-born American citizen residing in California for the past 41 years. For the last 21 years he has resided in the Eastern Sierras.

Plant for Birds: Using Native California Plants to Create Habitat at Home

The recording of our November 18, 2020 program presented by Scot Pipkin from the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden and an SBAS board member.

Rodent Control Without Poisoning
Our Children, Pets, & Wildlife

The recording of our October 28, 2020 program. Presented by Kian & Joel Schilman, founders of Poison Free Mailbu and by Cathy Schoonmaker from Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area.

From Sea To Summit: The Marvelous Hummingbird

The recording of our September 23, 2020 program “From Sea to Summit: the Marvelous Hummingbird” presented by Benny Jacobs-Schwartz is now available with copyrighted content removed.

Other Videos

Introduction to Aquatic Ecology

Scott Cooper (SBAS Conservation Committee) made this video for the Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council. This is the short version. SBUCC has a longer version on their YouTube Channel. You can read about the SBUCC YouTube channel HERE.