Bird Of The Month is a Santa Barbara Audubon Society educational initiative which appears in print and digitally courtesy of The Voice magazine. Currently all entries are written by Rebecca Coulter and accompanied by beautiful photographs taken by various talented local photographers. On this page we will be keeping an archive of all the published monthly selections. We hope you enjoy the selections!
Hover over an image to view the date and the bird species. Click on the image to view it larger. Use the left and right arrow to scroll to the next or previous bird. Finally press big ‘X’ in the upper right to exit the light box viewer.
American Kestrel
Western Bluebird
Anna's Hummingbird
Wild Turkey
Red-shouldered Hawk
White-crowned Sparrow
Northern Mockingbird
Snowy Egret
Hooded Oriole
Violet-green Swallow
Wood Duck
Barn Owl
Cedar Waxwing