Use this form for general inquiries. Your message will be routed to the best person to receive it and you should have a response in a few days. If you would like to send a message to a particular board member you can go to our Board Of Directors page and direct your message there.
In addition to regular bird walks, bird field trips and monthly educational programs, Santa Barbara Audubon Society has special events like the Christmas Bird Count and the Winter Bird Count for Kids!
Tired of having to look at the website or email blast about when SBAS events are scheduled?Tired of entering our events into your device or desktop calendar?Well there is a way to get our events automatically. Our events are available at this URL: To add a calendar subscription to an iOS device Open the Calendar… Read more »
Here you can browse some of our past events which do not include programs, field trips and bird walks.
Find here events which occur less frequently, including our Winter Bird Count 4 Kids, Earth Day, our Annual Membership Picnic and others. Past events of this nature can be explored on this page.
Karl Weis coordinates our twice monthly bird walks which usually take place on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month.Contact Karl for additional information. If you are interested in volunteering to lead one or more of these walks, contact Karl, because he LOVES volunteers to lead BONUS walks to new and/or unusual areas. Also be… Read more »