
In addition to regular bird walks, bird field trips and monthly educational programs, Santa Barbara Audubon Society has special events like the Christmas Bird Count and the Winter Bird Count for Kids!

Special Event: Dr. Kenneth Rosenberg – Three Billion Birds Lost

Rosenberg bird collage

Lead author of the recent study documenting the loss of North American birds, Rosenberg will discuss what this means about the health of our environment and what we can do to restore bird populations.

2019 Christmas Bird Count Dinner


Don’t get left out in the cold after this years bird count day. Dine with us at the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count compilation dinner. Tickets now on sale.

Program: Living with Penguins

penguin collage

This year’s November program is in December – But plan early you don’t want to miss this film and Q&A on Living With The Penguins!

Program: New Zealand Bird Conservation

bird collage

Join us in October when our own local birder, Glenn Kincaid, will speak on New Zealand’s native birds, their current status and some of the methods the Kiwis are using to save them.

Program: Conservation Adventures in Hotspots for Western Migratory Birds

children bird watching

Many of our birds winter in Central America. Join us this September for tales of conservation efforts in western Central America which benefit the birds we see in the spring and fall.