Join us in September when our kickoff program updates us on the current state of climate change and what we can do to minimize its impact.
We in Santa Barbara are very lucky to have amazing natural history and birding experts available to present to us monthly. Our programs are usually the fourth Wednesday of the month at Farrand Hall at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History unless otherwise noted. The doors open at 7pm with programming starting at 7:30.
For the Fall of 2021, our monthly programs continue to be presented virtually. As each date approaches, look for an email—or on our website or social media—for a connection link. We hope to see you there! Are you new to Zoom? Please don’t let that deter you from joining us. Programs chair Aaron & Emily Kreiserg can help you get started. Call or email at: Hidden; Programs@SantaBarbaraAudubon.org.
Join us in September when our kickoff program updates us on the current state of climate change and what we can do to minimize its impact.
Join us this April when Hugh Ranson speaks on the county’s Dragonflies including the 8 species he has added to the county list!
Join us this April when Liz Gaspar enlightens us on Lake Cachuma.
Join us this March when Annie Little discusses post DDT era restoration efforts on the Channel Islands.
Join us this February when our own Science Chair Steve Senesac will update us on our long running Tree Swallow Nest Box program.