Thank You For Your Gift!
Your tax-deductible gift to Santa Barbara Audubon Society supports our mission to connect
people with birds and nature through education, conservation and advocacy.
- Your gift today will support our mission
- Gifts of $1000 or more to our Endowment entitle you to Tecolote Circle membership
- Including us in your Legacy is the perfect way to ensure your values live on
Donate by mail:
Download This Form and mail to:
Santa Barbara Audubon Society
130 South Patterson, # 6737
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
Or donate right here:
Information For
Donor Advised Funds
Please note: Our address has changed and we now have a street address, if the fund prefers:
Are you over 70½ years of age?
Consider supporting our local birds with a Tax-Saving Gift!
Mailing address:
Physical Address:
Actual Person Name:
Phone Number:
Santa Barbara Audubon Society
P.O. Box 6737
Santa Barbara, CA 93160
130 S. Patterson, #6737
Santa Barbara CA 93160
Katherine Emery, Ph.D.
(805) 964-1468
If you have reached this milestone, you probably need to take Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Consider directing Qualified Charitable Distributions from your IRA to Santa Barbara Audubon Society! These donations can count toward your RMD without your having to pay income tax on your withdrawal.
Rules and restrictions apply, so please consult with your financial advisor or IRA Administrator.
Thank You!