Eyes in the Sky
Eyes in the Sky (EITS) is an education program featuring live birds of prey rescued from the wild. From Thursday–Sunday onsite at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, trained education volunteers present these raptors to the public. The raptors and their handlers also visit school programs, retirement communities, and community centers throughout the Santa Barbara area.
Discover more about Eyes in the Sky by accessing our EITS main page.
Meet Your Wild Neighbor
An arm of Eyes in the Sky program “Meet Your Wild Neighbor” (MYWN) is the flagship science and conservation education program of Santa Barbara Audubon Society (SBAS). In these 1-hour weekly sessions, kids get to learn about the ecosystem around them and meet beautiful live hawks, falcons, and owls rescued from the wild. The program lasts 5 weeks and focuses on science, birds, nature, conservation, and outdoor learning. In the 2019-2020 year, SBAS is presenting the program in 6 classrooms across 4 local schools, teaching 1st-, 2nd-, and 3rd-grade curriculum. Read More
Learning Resources
Santa Barbara Audubon Society has resources for teaching and learning about birds in our area. For more information visit HERE.
For further information, contact our Education Chair-person and / or our EITS Director.