Eyes in the Sky volunteers are dedicated group of raptor caretakers and educators from all walks of life. They are the public face of Santa Barbara Audubon Society, engaging with audiences of all ages throughout the Santa Barbara area.
Volunteers care for the birds in our aviary, and they present to the public about our local raptor species. Our educational outreach presentations are typically informal and learner-directed, with a friendly and approachable atmosphere. We interact with audiences both on-site at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History and off-site at local schools, community centers, and retirement communities. We want to share our passion for these incredible birds!
There may be opportunities for new volunteers to handle a live bird on the glove, but most of our time is spent acting as interpreters and educators for the public. We ask all volunteers to dedicate at least one afternoon per week from 1:30 – 4:00 PM, and we ask for a commitment of at least one full year.
If you’re interested in joining us, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required with your contact information and any relevant experience in animal care, wildlife rehabilitation, or education. Thank you!