Let’s Make the CBC Dinner Better!


Nancy States, Holly Keefe, Lee Moldaver, Kris Mainland White, Marsha Macdonald. – Not pictured: Teresa Fanucchi, Joan Murdoch. Photo by Dolores Pollock

This group, chaired by Holly Keefe, plans to help you enjoy next year’s Christmas Bird Count dinner even more than in the past. Each year after the CBC, hungry birders flock to Fleischmann Hall at the Natural History Museum. The number of CBC participants has grown, and about 200 people line up for the buffet dinner.

How to feed that number efficiently and deliciously is the challenge this committee is taking on. Options are being examined, including catering. Input is welcome; please add yours to the comment section below.

Next year’s CBC will be held on Jan 3.

Stand by for further announcements regarding the dinner.