Projects and Goals February 2020

SBAS is actively working on many projects related to our three main focus areas: education, conservation, and science.  This column will be updated regularly with an overview of selected current projects and goals (project list is not all-inclusive).  Likewise, the goals summarize what each SBAS committee is working towards with occasional opportunities for member involvement.

Recent highlights are exciting events SBAS members and volunteers just led. Current projects are an overview and not all-inclusive. Likewise, the goals summarize what each SBAS committee is working towards with occasional opportunities for existing (or potential new) members to become more involved.

From the desk of Katherine Emery, Executive Director

SBAS: Recent Highlights

  • Christmas Bird Count: 220 Participants; 203 Species identified in SB County
  • Winter Bird Count For Kids: 83 children, 50 accompanying adults. 30 SBAS volunteers, 59 species observed.
  • Dr. Satie Airamé & Jeff Chemnick Birding Peru Evening Program. Standing room only.
  • Dr. Ken Rosenberg, Cornell Lab of Ornithology & American Bird Conservancy, Science Presentation:
    New 3-way collaboration SBAS-SBMNH-UCSB; 350 Guests.

Current Projects


  • Piloting new 1st and 3rd grade Meet Your Wild Neighbors (MYWN) curriculum in local schools.
  • Supporting Audubon Campus Club at UCSB.
  • Monthly bird walks, evening programs at SBMNH, and daily Eyes in the Sky (EITS) outreach.
  • Provide MYWN to 4 more local classrooms in spring.
  • Expand outreach in Goleta (Science Nights) and with partner organizations.
  • Apply for grants to provide programs free as needed: City of Goleta (Winter Bird Count For Kids) and other grantors (MYWN, EITS & Audubon Raptors Interactive Education for Seniors (ARIES)).
  • Strauss Wind Energy Project advocacy to protect birdlife and habitat in Santa Barbara County.
  • Using science to inform decision making in the protection of local streams and riparian corridors.
  • Protecting Goleta open spaces (including Lake Los Carneros (LLC) & Ellwood) by providing guidance to Goleta City Council, Commissioners and Parks Staff.
  • Communicate to the greater SB public the impacts of the Strauss wind energy project on birdlife.
  • Increase advocacy to protect local open spaces, wetlands, bird habitats, and ecosystems now.
  • Collaborate with Goleta Parks and Open Space Manager to preserve birdlife and habitat at LLC & Ellwood.
  • Water quality and invertebrate research at North Campus Open Space and Coal Oil Point Reserve.
  • Preparing for new season of Nest Box Project for breeding Tree Swallows and Bluebirds at LLC.
  • Contributing work to archive Santa Barbara County Breeding Bird Study records to inform land management and resource planning.
  • Provide baseline monitoring to aid in understanding the dynamics of Devereux Slough as well provide students more experience in scientific research.
  • Provide habitat for cavity-dwelling birds and opportunities for people to encounter and understand birds more deeply.