Strategic Plan 2020- 2025

Approved: May 13, 2020


Santa Barbara Audubon Society protects area birdlife and habitat and connects people with birds through education, conservation, and science.

Strategic Objective

By 2025, Santa Barbara Audubon Society will be widely recognized as the community leader in advocacy for birds and their habitats. Policies, practices, and resources will be in place to ensure its sound governance and long-term financial stability.




Promote the knowledge and appreciation of Santa Barbara area birdlife and advocate for the protection, preservation, and restoration of bird habitats. 

1. Strengthen educational Programming

2. Strengthen SBAS’s Advocacy Capacity

1(a) Expand educational pipeline/continuum

2(a) Develop and implement strategies to increase the City of Goleta’s focus on and support for management of its open spaces and other important bird habitats

2(b) Advance habitat protection/preservation initiatives:

  • Develop and implement educational signage plan for critical birding areas
  • Develop and implement resources for land use/open space managers and the general community to promote and protect bird habitat (e.g. bird-friendly landscaping and maintenance, owl boxes, no rodenticides)
  • Develop and implement strategies to strengthen active enforcement of leash and no-dog laws at important birding hotspot areas
  • Progress with science research and citizen science

Enhance and solidify SBAS’s public presence and reputation as a trusted resource and champion for birds and their habitat.

1. Clarify to the public who we are and what we do

2. Strengthen relationships with key community and allied organizations and governmental entities

3. Build SBAS’s communications capacity and outreach

1(a) Publicize SBAS activities, accomplishments, needs

2(a) Develop and implement plans for specific relationship-building activities with both Santa Barbara City and County staff and elected officials

3(a) Develop and implement plans for communications outreach to key community and service organizations

Implement and monitor sound governance and management/administrative practice.


1. Strengthen SBAS’s governance structure

1(a) Develop and implement:

  • Board recruitment process
  • Board orientation program
  • Board development program
  • Leadership succession plan
  • Parliamentarian role
  • Revise and update SBAS Policy Manual

Enhance and solidify SBAS’s financial well-being.

1. Strengthen SBAS’s development structure

2. Increase SBAS’s endowment and operational funds

1(a) Implement a sustainable leadership model for development

2(a) Develop and implement:

  • Donor development
  • Membership development
  • Fundraising plan

2(b) Implement an endowment growth strategy

2(c) Increase grant writing to support and grow applicable programs