Program: The Breeding Bird Study of Santa Barbara County –
Five Years on, What Have We Learned?

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Presentation will be via Zoom

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Presented by Adrian O’Loghlen and Mark Holmgren

With nearly 9,500 records, after 5 years of data gathering, and contributions from more than 300 people, we should know some new things about Santa Barbara County’s breeding birds!  Let’s find out as Adrian and Mark present some results of the Breeding Bird Study (BBS). With the help of their colleagues at UCSB’s Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) and the Goleta Coast Audubon Society they’ll show not only results, but the scientific, conservation, regulatory, and education uses for the information in the BBS using their new Web Map Application.

Adrian O’Loghlen got his PhD in Behavioral Ecology from UCSB based on research of song dialects in Brown-headed Cowbirds. His post-doctoral research from the University of Washington, Seattle, was on the function of song variation in Song Sparrows. Adrian taught numerous classes at UCSB and UW on the evolution of animal behavior and social behavior in particular. Studying and watching birds are his primary past times.

Mark Holmgren was curator of the Vertebrate Collections at UCSB’s CCBER from 1984 to 2010. Mark birds, travels, and for Santa Barbara Audubon coordinates Kite Watch. Together Mark and Adrian manage the SB County Breeding Bird Study, and both serve on SBAS’s Science and Conservation Committee.

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