
Bird Walks
We have twice monthly bird walks which usually take place on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month.

Field Trips
We go on a variety of field trips, including boat cruises, ranches, wetlands and more.

Monthly Programs
We have natural history and birding experts present to us monthly. Our programs are usually the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7pm.

Eyes in the Sky
Eyes in the Sky volunteers are dedicated group of over 40 community members from all walks of life. Some have never worked with birds before; others have extensive experience.

Tree Swallow Program
Tree Swallows were extirpated (locally extinct) from the south coast of Santa Barbara County until Santa Barbara Audubon brought them back with nest boxes. Help monitor the success.

Christmas Bird Count
Every year, around the time of Christmas, people all over the nation and many other countries go out on their chosen day to count their local birds.

Other Opportunities
Santa Barbara Audubon welcomes volunteers. Help is needed in many areas including.