Volume 27 Issue 6 of the Montecito Journal (4-11 February 2021) has a write-up of the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count (CBC) starting on page 50! The end of the article talks about ways to get involved. Item 4 is about the Migratory Bird Treaty Act that has been under attack by the federal government. … Read more »
Christmas Bird Count

Preliminary Count is 205 species! Watch the compilation event! Greetings birders, Thanks to all who participated in yesterday’s Santa Barbara CBC—for following Audubon’s protocols, and mostly for starting the new year off with a dose of much-needed birding good news and virtual fellowship. Now we begin the work of corralling all the data! Attention eBirders:… Read more »

Don’t get left out in the cold after this years bird count day. Dine with us at the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count compilation dinner. Tickets now on sale.

Yes, that time of year is upon us when we need to plan for the end of year Christmas Bird counts. The dates for all the Santa Barbara County Christmas Bird Counts are posted Here. (Also available under the Activities menu.) Details on the catered dinner for Santa Barbara’s CBC dinner are located Here.

Don’t get left out in the cold after this years bird count day. Dine with us at the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count compilation dinner.