Other Events

These events include our Winter Bird Count 4 Kids, Earth Day, our Annual Picnic and other events that happen less frequently.

2019 ANNUAL Membership Meeting


Come join us at beautiful Stow Grove park for our annual membership meeting and get together.

Special Event: 2019 Winter Bird Count 4 Kids


Join Santa Barbara Audubon Society when we present our 5th annual Winter Bird Count 4 Kids

Add our events to your calendar

Tired of having to look at the website or email blast about when SBAS events are scheduled? Tired of entering our events into your device or desktop calendar? Well I have discovered there is a way to get our events automatically.

Audubon California Assembly


Chapter leaders and members are invited to join California Audubon November 2nd through the 4th in Long Beach for the 2018 Audubon Assembly!

NCOS Kids Bird Festival


Come show your children a truly rare phenomenon… A golf course restored back to its natural state as a wetland supporting local wildlife.