Other Events

These events include our Winter Bird Count 4 Kids, Earth Day, our Annual Picnic and other events that happen less frequently.

2018 ANNUAL Membership Meeting


Come join us at beautiful Stow Grove park for our annual membership meeting and get together.

SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY: Birding by Kayak Tour


A special opportunity to see and bird Santa Cruz Island and support SBAS at the same time!

SBAS Makes a Splash at the GSD Open House

The Goleta Sanitary District (GSD) plant site is a well known and documented birding hotspot. Records go back to 1975, and currently sit at over 160 species. Management and staff have been very kind to the birding community over all these years, including opening the facility for us to conduct our Christmas Bird Counts. When… Read more »

Goleta Sanitary District Photo Contest


Attention All Shutterbugs! Enter our GSD Photo Contest and help acknowledge the Goleta Sanitary District’s ongoing support of the birding community!

2017 ANNUAL Membership Meeting


Come join us at beautiful Stow Grove park for our annual membership meeting and get together.