
In addition to regular bird walks, bird field trips and monthly educational programs, Santa Barbara Audubon Society has special events like the Christmas Bird Count and the Winter Bird Count for Kids!

Program: Endemic and Near Endemic Birds of Cuba


Join us this January when SBAS member Dennis Ringer presents his Cuban birding adventure.

2017 Christmas Bird Count Dinner


Don’t get left out in the cold after this years bird count day. Dine with us at the Santa Barbara Christmas Bird Count compilation dinner.

Program: Saving Bolsa Chica Wetland


Join us in November as David and Margaret Carlberg tell their story of saving this special area.

SBAS Makes a Splash at the GSD Open House

The Goleta Sanitary District (GSD) plant site is a well known and documented birding hotspot. Records go back to 1975, and currently sit at over 160 species. Management and staff have been very kind to the birding community over all these years, including opening the facility for us to conduct our Christmas Bird Counts. When… Read more »

Program: A Bird’s-Eye View of Southwest Florida


Join us in October to enjoy the stories and photos of Southwest Florida as presented by Holly Sherwin.