
Summary of Conservation Committee Projects

This post describes just a few of the projects that the Conservation Committee is involved in pursuing. They have a fantastic team of volunteers willing to work to further the mission of SBAS directly in our community. If, after reviewing this post, you feel you would like to support the Conservation Committee’s efforts contact them… Read more »

Conservation Committee Update – Spring 2018

The SBAS Conservation Committee…In Context By Aaron Kreisberg and Ken Pearlman “Men and nature must work hand in hand. The throwing out of balance of the resources of nature throws out of balance also the lives of men.” (Franklin D. Roosevelt; inscription on FDR Memorial at the National Mall, Washington, DC) The earliest residents of… Read more »

If You Plant It, They Will Come

Birds are delightful players on your garden stage and creating a native plant garden is one way you can bring in more species than ever before. Local birds are familiar with native plants, which provide them with the food, cover and shelter they need. Native berries and seeds are the perfect treats to keep these… Read more »

Nature Conservancy Buys the legendary Bixby Ranch

News is out today that the Nature Conservancy has purchased the old Bixby Ranch at Point Conception. I can attest to this location’s beauty as I was able to spend a little time there with my brother when he was a guard for the ranch back sometime around 1970. You can read the particulars about… Read more »

Coronado Seep – Part 3 – City of Goleta’s hearing – Tuesday, July 18


Attend the City of Goleta’s hearing Tuesday, July 18, at 6PM in the Goleta City Council Chambers! At this meeting, the Planning Commission will recommend that the City of Goleta approve Alternative 2b of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Rancho Estates Mobile Home Park Fire Improvements Project, and reject the project as… Read more »