
complete articles which would not fully fit in the paper ET

“3 Billion Birds Lost” Lecture: From “What If?” to Full House!


By Janice Levasheff, Membership Chair [Editor’s note: This is the full article referred to on page 3 of El Tecolote March-May 2020.] We feel fortunate that we were able to bring Dr. Kenneth Rosenberg here, from Lori Gaskin’s “what if” idea, to Katherine Emery’s reaching out to a fellow Cornell alum with the enticement of… Read more »

Breeding Bird Study of Santa Barbara County

by Adrian O’Loghlen [Editor’s note: This is the full article referred to on page 3 of El Tecolote September-November 2016.] One of the most informative approaches for assessing how the rapid and extensive development of urban and rural lands affects local bird populations is to monitor the breeding activity of species that have historically bred… Read more »

Our Busy Conservation Committee

by Cherie Topper [Editor’s note: This is the full article referred to on page 1 of El Tecolote April/May 2016.] Have you ever wondered what our Conservation Committee is up to? You may be surprised to discover both the volume and the variety of our activities in the community on SBAS’s behalf. We are fortunate… Read more »

The SBAS Tree Swallow Nest Box Project

Air BNB Audubon Style By Steven Senesac [Editor’s note: This is the full article referred to on page 3 of El Tecolote April/May 2016.] Introduction The Tree Swallow is a cavity nester that naturally nests in tree cavities (often made by woodpeckers). Human development frequently removes many trees and those that remain are often groomed… Read more »