Dane St. George coordinates our monthly field trips which usually take place on a Saturday. Field trips often go farther afield in the county than our Friday bird walks, and often have guest leaders.
Contact Dane for additional information.
Don’t miss a SBAS event. Subscribe to the SBAS events calendar, learn how on this page.
Weather or pandemic conditions can necessitate changes to or cancelation of any trip.
Prior to attending any bird walk or field trip, please check the specific event page for directions and event updates.
Click on an event title below for full details on that event.
- Field Trip: Hollister Ranch
Saturday, April 19, 2025, 8:45 am - 1:00 pm
Hollister ranch is covers several miles of coast land above Gaviota State Park. The Hollister Ranch Homeowners Association has always be supportive of having Audubon field trips to their location. If you have not been, you should make an effort to attend a trip there. This trip if for Santa Barbara & Goleta Coast Auduboners only. Seats are limited so sign up now!
Contact Dane St. George to request a reservation.
Include your name, email address and phone number. - Field Trip: Salton Sea 4 Day Trip
Thursday, April 24, 2025 - Sunday, April 27, 2025, All Day
A four-day birding field trip for Santa Barbara Audubon Society members (up to 15) led by Ron Hirst. This trip is a unique opportunity to see desert birds and sea birds at the Salton Sea area and should also be great fun and educational. Salton Sea is a hotbed of environmental issues too.
This trip is limited to 18 persons and is for Santa Barbara/Goleta Coast Audubon Members Only – Registration Required.
- Field Trip: Nojoqui Falls County Park
Saturday, May 24, 2025, 8:45 am - 11:30 am
Nestled just over the Gaviota pass from Gaviota State Beach is Nojoqui Falls County Park. There is quite a spectacular waterfall in the park (if it’s been raining) and is also home to the county’s breeding population of Purple Martins.
Date changed from El Tecolote published date