Here you can browse some of our past events which do not include programs, field trips and bird walks.

Christmas Bird Count Dinner Returns
Christmas bird counters and friends are invited to enjoy the popular Bird Count lasagna dinner prior to the tabulation of the count results on Saturday, January 4 at the Natural History Museum’s Fleischmann Auditorium.
The 6 p.m.catered dinner will again feature a generous helpings of:
- Jack’s meat or vegetarian lasagna
- Salad
- Garlic bread
- And special chocolate chip cookies
All of which have become dinner traditions.
Participants may opt to bring their own picnic dinner as well.
All are invited to bring their own beverages.
To reduce single use waste, bring your own cups, plates, napkins and silverware.
This year, come early to socialize at 5:30 and enjoy some pre-dinner snacks.
The cost is $29.50 for either meat or vegetarian lasagna and includes all Eventbrite fees.
Extended: Dinners can be ordered through December 31 at:
Vegetarian Lasagna * or * Meat Lasagna
Sponsored by Santa Barbara Audubon Society
Santa Barbara Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

CBC 125 is fast approaching!
Click here for details and current information.

Annual Meeting & Get Together
Let’s celebrate our accomplishments this year!
Elect your board for 2023-2024!

ANNUAL Membership Meeting and Get-Together
Let’s celebrate getting together in person after a two year hiatus!
Stow Grove Park, Area #3 (Map)

“Each February, for four days, the world comes together for the love of birds. Over these four days [people] spend time in their favorite places watching and counting as many birds as they can find and reporting them to us. These observations help scientists better understand global bird populations before one of their annual migrations.
Get the whole scoop at:

Join Coni Edick from the Santa Barbara Audubon Society as we dive into the sensory richness of birdsong. We will explore the variety of ways birds communicate, discover how birds help us to connect with nature and sample some of the birdsong we can find locally.
Coni Edick is a member of the Santa Barbara Audubon Society (SBAS), where she has been volunteering as a bird handler and nature interpreter with SBAS’s “Eyes in the Sky” raptor education program since 2002.
All are welcome. The presentation is appropriate for visually impaired and not-visually impaired audiences.
To register for the event please contact Tracy Alfino at: email hidden; JavaScript is required
For more information on the Santa Barbara Braille Institute visit their website at

Here’s A Fun Activity You Can Do on Your Own!
The New Haven Bird Club is holding a Big Sit! birding event on October 10th and 11th. It’s free, and open to everyone.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept of a big sit, the idea is to establish a circle 17 feet in diameter and then try to see as many birds as possible from within that circle in one day.
The circle can be anywhere – even in your backyard – and you can bird for as many hours as you want; you can do either day and it doesn’t have to be the full day.
No pre-registration is required. You report your sightings using eBird.
If you are interested, more information can be found at

Fleischmann Hall, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
2559 Puesta del Sol, Santa Barbara, CA 93105

All photos courtesy of Cornell Lab of Ornithology
For more information visit
A co-presentation by
- UCSB Arts & Lectures Thematic Learning Initiative
- Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
- Santa Barbara Audubon Society

Plan to arrive by 7:45 for check in.
We don’t want to use our birding time to check in!
Location: Point Mugu Naval Air Station
Parking lot at the top of Mugu Road, Port Hueneme, CA 93041
Map: Point Mugu Naval Air Station
Target Birds
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron, water fowl, rails, egrets, shorebirds, ducks, Vermilion Flycatcher, raptors etc. 80+ species are typical for this trip
Trip Leaders
Jeff Hanson, Peggy Kearns, and base biologist, Martin Ruane. Expect local experts to join us on this rare and exceptional day.
$55.00; Limit 14 people; Register at Eventbrite
Registration open October 7th – November 8th 2019
Fourteen lucky SBAS members will be granted access to the Point Mugu Naval Air base on this unique opportunity to visit some 2,000 acres bordered by the Pacific Ocean and some of the most bountiful agricultural land in Southern California. Marsh and and coastal wetlands provide a stopover for thousands of migrating birds each year and habitat for seven endangered species of birds. The area is so rich in wildlife that our day there typically counts 80 species including egrets, rails, Vermilion Flycatcher, waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and more.
This field trip takes us to an active Navy base. All participants are required to fill out an Access Pass Registration Form.
- You must be approved before entering the base
- Download these additional instructions for the form below.
- Download this Navy Access Pass Registration Form.
- REVIEW the form to ensure you can meet the requirements.
- Purchase your ticket on Eventbrite
- Fill out the Navy form completely
- Sign and email the form to Jeff Hanson
Deadline to submit your Access Pass Registration Form to Jeff Hanson is November 8th, 2019. NO CAMERAS ARE ALLOWED ON BASE! It is more than an hour drive to the base, we encourage you to buddy up with others to carpool.
Directions to the Naval Air Station:
- Take Hwy 101 south to the Rice Avenue off ramp
- Head towards the ocean to Hwy 1
- Take Hwy1 south (Rice Avenue becomes Hwy 1 south)
- Exit at Wood Road
- Turn left at the stop sign onto Naval Air Road
- Take the first right onto Mugu Road
- Meet at the Gate 2 (formerly Main Gait) parking lot immediately to your right
You must be a citizen of the United States and you will need a photo ID. The Base Biologist, Martin Ruane, will guide us around the base from 8:00 am to 12 noon.
Other Information
- Dress in layers
- Bring water, snack or lunch
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a hat
- Binoculars a must, spotting scopes are very useful
- Remember – Arrive on base at 7:45
Sponsored By Santa Barbara Audubon Society

ANNUAL Membership Meeting and Get-Together
Stow Grove Park, Area #3 (Map)
Join us for friends and music
Bring hors d’oeuvres or finger food to share
President – Dolores Pollock
Vice-President – Lee Moldaver
Secretary – Kathleen Boehm
Treasurer – Chris Mercy
Communications – Alexandra Loos
Conservation – Jessie Altstatt & Lori Gaskin
Development – OPEN
Education – Coni Edick & Jayne Wamsley
Field Trips – Peter Thompson
Membership – Janice Levasheff
Programs – Teresa Fanucchi
Science – Steve Senesac
At Large – Ken Pearlman