Wednesday, February 24th, 2021, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Presentation will be via Zoom
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Presented by Andrea Jones
Something special happens when a river meets an ocean. Freshwater rivers and streams flow from inland to mix with salty ocean water, creating a unique habitat called an estuary. Estuaries, and the wetlands and bays that surround them, are some of the most productive areas in the world for birds, other wildlife, and humans. Presenter Andrea Jones will focus on California’s coasts and estuaries, which are part of the Pacific Flyway–the migratory bird highway stretching from the Arctic to Patagonia, supporting nearly a billion birds.
Andrea Jones is Director of Bird Conservation for Audubon California. For the past 13 years, she has worked with staff and the network of Audubon chapters across the state to implement conservation projects at high priority Important Bird Areas. In particular, she has focused on leading Audubon’s conservation efforts along the coast and in estuaries, focusing on restoration, advocacy and engagement. Her work has also included providing science expertise and negotiating conservation agreements at saline lakes, including Owens Lake and Salton Sea. She oversees efforts in priority bird species and serves as the spokeswoman for bird conservation across California. Prior to California, Andrea worked at Massachusetts Audubon where she served as the Director of the Coastal Waterbird and Grassland Bird Programs.