Program: UCSB’s North Campus Open Space


Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Project in Progress: Restoring the upper arms of Devereux Slough

Project in Progress: Restoring the upper arms of Devereux Slough

Presented by Lisa Stratton

Lisa will present “From Golf Course to Wetland,” a brief (17-minute) film about how the restoration project evolved, followed by a presentation on the project in action — from moving the dirt to building the bridges, planting the plants and documenting the functions for birds and hydrology.


lisa-stratton.jpgLisa Stratton, Ph.D. is the Director of Ecosystem Management for UCSB’s Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER). CCBER manages 300 acres of UCSB open space and spearheaded the North Campus Open Space Restoration Project. Lisa received her Ph.D. in Botany and Conservation Biology from University of Hawaii in 1997 and has been working at CCBER since 2005.  She is passionate about restoration and integrating that with education and research opportunities at UCSB.


Doors open at 7:00 pm – join us for refreshments

Sponsored By Santa Barbara Audubon Society