Here you can browse some of our past events which do not include programs, field trips and bird walks.
Other Events
These events include our Winter Bird Count 4 Kids, Earth Day, our Annual Picnic and other events that happen less frequently.
Find here events which occur less frequently, including our Winter Bird Count 4 Kids, Earth Day, our Annual Membership Picnic and others. Past events of this nature can be explored on this page.

Here’s A Fun Activity You Can Do on Your Own! The New Haven Bird Club is holding a Big Sit! birding event on October 10th and 11th. It’s free, and open to everyone. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept of a big sit, the idea is to establish a circle 17… Read more »

Come join us at beautiful Stow Grove park for our annual membership meeting and get together.
Tired of having to look at the website or email blast about when SBAS events are scheduled? Tired of entering our events into your device or desktop calendar? Well I have discovered there is a way to get our events automatically.