The SBAS Board, at its retreat on July 26, voted to endorse Santa Barbara County Measure P, the anti-fracking initiative that will appear on the November ballot. The initiative would ban fracking and other forms of oil well stimulation methods in Santa Barbara County. The SBAS Board voted that these extraction techniques are too dangerous… Read more »
The Conservation Committee acts locally to advocate for strong protections for birds and bird habitat, with an emphasis on riparian areas and regional open spaces. We do this through a variety of means, including providing expert knowledge, thorough analysis and public comment, meetings with local officials, and outreach through our supporters. We welcome your interest and involvement.
The Conservation and Science Committees meet jointly on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM via Zoom.
For further information contact
On July 22, Steve Ferry and Dolores Pollock, our co-presidents, spoke before the County Planning Commission, making recommendations.
The SBAS Conservation and Science Committee has been monitoring several proposed development projects in Goleta, particularly those projects that are in proximity to creeks and other natural resources that are wildlife habitats and migration corridors. We have reviewed environmental impact reports (EIR), sent comment letters to the City of Goleta recommending mitigation strategies, identifying critical habitats and omissions… Read more »
Richard Figueroa, SBAS Science Chair, has been recruiting and coordinating volunteers to monitor and collect survey data for tricolored blackbirds to document their decline in numbers. Our volunteers have surveyed sites in Santa Ynez and Cuyama. The conservation of the species has received increased attention due to the petition to list the species under the protections of… Read more »

California Audubon is running a $5 dollars / 5 Birds campaign to protect rare Tricolored Blackbirds and the heat just got turned up. TOMORROW a wheat field housing a huge colony of birds will be harvested destroying a colony unless we raise $40,000! Please consider donating at California Audubon’s website (click here to donate) This… Read more »