
Santa Barbara Audubon Society has many hands on projects you can participate in to directly help birds in need.
White-tailed Kite Monitoring
Tree Swallow Nest Box Monitoring
Eyes in the Sky Educational Program
Habitat Restoration

Why I Volunteer at “Eyes In The Sky”

A post on last year’s SB Birding listserv caught my eye: “Eyes In The Sky’s” Director, Gabriele Drozdowski was asking for volunteer birders to open up the shutters of the newly-built aviary in the morning, to let the birds greet the day – and to also interpret the birds to Museum visitors in the mornings…. Read more »

SB Independent: Eyes on Gabriele

Santa Barbara Audubon Society is very pleased that The Santa Barbara Independent chose Gabriele Drozdowski as one of its local heroes. If there’s anyone who deserves it, it’s Gabriele! She has worked tirelessly to make Audubon’s Eyes in the Sky (EITS) program the success that it is. Audubon is proud to have raised the money,… Read more »

Noozhawk: Audubon Society’s Bird-Rescue Program Keeps ‘Eyes in the Sky’

Karen Telleen-Lawton did a fantastic write-up of the Eyes in the Sky program for Noozhawk. Read all about it.

Eyes in the Sky’s First Aviary Open House

-By John O’Brien Several hundred visitors, both locals and from out of town, celebrated with Audubon and The Museum of Natural History at EITS’ first annual Aviary Open House on September 8th. Families enjoyed the many events spread throughout SBMNH’s campus that took place between 12 noon and 4 PM.