North Campus Open Space (formerly Ocean Meadows Golf Course) has been restored back to a natural environment more like what existed on this property prior to creation of the golf course in 1965. There are trails for public access and passive recreation. This open space is a great addition to Santa Barbara’s natural heritage which makes our community so special. It will be preserved for the enjoyment of the local community in perpetuity. Come with us to explore how this site is recovering back to it’s natural state.
Friday, February 21, 2025 ~ 8:30 am – 10:30 am
Target Birds:
- Raptors
- Herons
- Egrets
- Waders
- & others
From Hwy 101
- Take the Glen Annie/Storke Road off-ramp
- Go south (towards the ocean) on Storke Road about 0.85 miles
- Turn right on Whittier Drive
- Turn left into NCOS parking lot (see map)
- We will meet here
Map Here – or – Google Map
Other Information:
- Bring water, snack
- Wear comfortable shoes
- Bring a hat
- Binoculars a must, spotting scopes are useful
Trip Coordinator:
Karl Weis
Contact Karl for information or questions
Sponsored by Santa Barbara Audubon Society
Santa Barbara Audubon Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization