Thursday, April 24, 2025 – Sunday, April 27, 2025 ~ All Day
A four-day birding field trip for Santa Barbara Audubon Society members (up to 15) led by Ron Hirst. This trip is a unique opportunity to see desert birds and sea birds at the Salton Sea area and should also be great fun and educational. Salton Sea is a hotbed of environmental issues too.
This trip is limited to 18 persons and is for Santa Barbara/Goleta Coast Audubon Members Only – Registration Required.
Trip Leader:
Ron Hirst
For information, a detailed itinerary, and to register contact Ron Hirst at email hidden; JavaScript is required with your contact info.
Sites planned to be visited include Big Morongo Canyon Reserve, the North End Salton Sea, Bombay Beach, Niland, Sonny Bono Salton Sea NWR HQ, Obsidian Butte, Wister Unit, Cattle Call Park, Riverview Cemetery, Fig Lagoon, Vendel Road, Salton City.
For typical birds seen review the location Hot Spots in eBird, or the Guy McCaskie Salton Sea reports found in Groupsio: Inlandcountybirds.
Arrive Thurs. afternoon 1:30pm at Big Morongo. Transportation is self-arranged. Thursday, Friday and Saturday night accommodations will be self-selected. Friday morning meet point is Arco in Mecca, then NESS, then Bombay, then Niland. The Brawley Inn or Days Inn in Brawley are suggested as accommodations for Friday and Saturday. Saturday morning starts with Cattle Call Park, then birding south end Salton Sea areas. Sunday morning is Vendel Road, then Salton City and drive home.
To RSVP, or if you have questions or have target birds, contact Ron Hirst at email hidden; JavaScript is required