Join Santa Barbara bird and botanical enthusiasts Satie Airame and Jeff Chemnick for an exciting photographic tour of trips to Belize, Bolivia and Ecuador. The couple visited these countries over the last several years in their quest to explore a variety of neotropical habitats.
In addition to Satie’s wonderful photos of “difficult to see let alone photograph” birds are images ranging from spectacular Andean vistas to steaming Amazonian rain forest. Bolivian birding highlights include Many-colored Chaco Finch, Red-fronted Macaw, Red-tailed Comet, and Andean Condor. Belizian bird specialties include Lovely Cotinga, Red-capped Manakin, Royal Flycatcher, and Ornate Hawk-Eagle. Some of the more remarkable Ecuadorian birds are Rufous Potoo, Golden-collared Toucanet, Sword-billed Hummingbird, and Scarlet-breasted Fruiteater.
Jeff Chemnick is a cycad specialist and Research Associate at Lotusland and a keen international birder. Satie Airame is the Assistant Dean for Academic Programs at UCSB’s Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and she enjoys taking photographs of birds and plants in their natural habitats.
March 26 at Farrand Hall at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. Doors open at 7PM, program to begin at 7:30.
Photos: Red Capped Manakin at Chan Chich Lodge, Belize by Satie Airame.